26 January 2011

Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference

In the Fall 2009 Semester I was lucky enough to study abroad in ROME ITALY which is where my heart remains!  In my time there I shot well over 10,000 images throughout my travels in Europe.  When I got back one of these images entitled Just the Way You Look won first place in Artistic Vision for Temple's Study Abroad Conference.  They have since entered me into a larger Conference which is this Friday.  The Delaware Valley Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference will be held at Drexel University's Intercultural Center hosted by Arcadia, Drexel, Rosemont College, Temple, University of Pennsylvania, and Villanova Friday January 28, 2011.  These are my entries: Wish me Luck!! :)

 Just The Way You Look, By Christianna Fail, Rome Italy, 2009  
La Roma Monumentale, By Christianna Fail, Rome Italy, 2009

25 January 2011

Holga Vs. Hasselblad

I had been shooting a good amount last semester with some medium format cameras, including a few rolls of color film.  I got them processed but with the chaos of finals didn't get to scan them in until today.  It was never more apparent just how many differences there are between the two cameras than with this color film.  I like the look of both but as you will see they are completely different, just depends what you're going for.  Although I'm sure you may all know this, here is a brief history and some info on the cameras.

Hasselblad was developed in the early 40s during WWII in Sweden for use by their military, by the 50s they were produced for civilian use.  They utilize the V-System that allows for interchangeable bodies lenses etc.  They produce 6x6 cm negatives and in recent years with breakthroughs in digital technologies they can be made into digital cameras (at the cost of a kidney on most black markets).  The cameras themselves cost about $3500 where as the digital versions range from $14,000 to upwards of 40k!!  I was lucky to use a Hasselblad that belongs to my internship sponsor Carina Romano of Love Me Do Photography during the shoot seen belong. 

On the other hand there is the Holga a medium format 120 toy camera made in China in the 80s known for its cheap plastic body that often causes light leaks, vignetting, and distortions. It has gained a cult following of sorts in recent years but began as a mass-marketed inexpensive camera for China's working class, but the 35mm format quickly replaced it in popularity.  Holgas are extremely easy to use with only 2 aperture settings either Sunny or Cloudy and about 4 options for focus, but the resulting image is hard to predict.  Other cameras have been developed by the company including ones with flash, twin lenses reflex and wide angle.  They are available in an assortment of snappy colors and only cost about $40.  I love mine!

24 January 2011

Enjoyable Quotes

WeeGee, 1944
"When you find yourself beginning to feel a bond between yourself and the people you photograph, when you laugh and cry with their laughter and tears, you will know you are on the right track"
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph" Richard Avedon

"The camera is an instrument of detection.  We photograph not only what we know 
but also what we don't know" Lisette Model