I recently found out about the work of
JR a former graffiti artist out of paris, who is now taking black and white portraits in an extremely large scale and posting them on the streets to make art more accessible. He has won the 2011 TED prize of $100,000 to MAKE A WISH BIG ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE WORLD and his wish was..."I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together we'll turn the world...INSIDE OUT."
"Create a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. Everyone will be challenged to use black and white photographic portraits to discover, reveal and share the untold stories and images of people around the world. These digitally uploaded images will be made into posters and sent back to the project’s co-creators for them to exhibit in their own communities. People can participate as an individual or in a group; posters can be placed anywhere, from a solitary image in an office window to a wall of portraits on an abandoned building or a full stadium. These exhibitions will be documented, archived and viewable virtually."
His projects include "Portrait of a Generation" b&w portraits of suburban thugs from Paris that were display in the bourgeois districts of the city. "Face 2 Face" that put large scale portraits of Israelis and Palestinians side by side in both cities to see if they could tell who was who. and my personal favorite “Women Are Heroes, a project underlining the dignity of women who are the target of conflict" Just whatever you do watch this video, he is amazing, this project is spectacular and I do believe with all my heart that ART truly can change the world. DO SOMETHING THAT MATTERS